Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tip of the Day:Stain Boards

One of the biggest problems that I face when I am making a project for someone else is picking a color for the stain. Most of the time people just say that they want it oak or cherry which we all know if about as generic an answer as you can get. So when I got to the finishing stage for a recent bookcase I came up with the idea of creating a stain board to show the customer. This worked out well as I was able to show what the stain would look like from one coat to five coats.

The process that I used for this board was very simple. I put one coast on and let it dry at which point I put a piece of tape across the board. I put a second coat of stain on the left side of the piece of tape. I did the same steps over until I reached 5 different stages on staining.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Tip of the Day:Project Size

When constructing projects in your basement shops always remember to make sure that once they are completed they will fit out the door and up the stairs. I have heard many stories of people who have built book cases, cribs and beds and could not get them out of the basement. So measure twice plan and assemble in the garage if needed.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Tip of the Day:Clamp Storage

During my recent cleaning spree I decided to move my clamps to get them out of the way of my new shelves. This is a quick, cheap and easy way to hang your clamps and get them out of the way. I will probably relocate them at some point but this was a way to get them off the floor and make them easily accessible. I had a extra 2x4 lying around the shop so I grabbed a few screws and secured it to the open studs.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tip of the Day: Wood Storage

The tip of the day will hopefully turn out to be a tip of the day but we will see how that goes. The first tip of the day will deal with wood storage. During the course of clearing out the shop and purging my cutoffs and leftovers I figured it would be a great idea to label my pieces. Most of the time I end up using oak but some time when people request something else and I have leftover it gets lost in the clutter of the oak. Will I was sorting the cutoffs I decided that I would label all of my pieces that were not oak so that I could quickly pick them out of the piles. When it comes to sheet goods I like to keep pieces around to use for stain samples and smaller projects. I tend to stack these pieces and seeing the grain is not always the easiest so I labeled these pieces to make it easier to pick out. Another thing that I just thought about while writing this tip is to write the measurements on each piece.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Wood Storage and what to do with leftovers

Currently am working on cleaning up my shop and getting rid of some of the cutoff pieces of wood that I have been saving. I had good intentions of keeping the cutoffs for future projects but they never seem to work with the project that I am working on. I am working on sorting through the cutoffs and separating them into a pile for the fire pit and another for sale/free. In the future I am going to always have two bins that I can put cutoffs in as I am working so that I do not end up with a stock pile of cutoffs. I am sure that there are many uses for the cutoffs that I have sitting around the shop but what I must do is weigh the pros and cons of keeping it in the shop. After going through the pros and cons the cons out weigh the pros at this time. I hope to have updates soon with photos of the lumber storage.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Shop Reorganization

I do not have a current project in the works so I am going to reorganize the shop. Currently I have a big shelving unit in one corner which tends to collect a lot of dust and stuff. it is pretty deep so things tend to get pushed to the back and lost. I am going to take this shelving unit out to create more floor space. I will be replacing this unit with one that is smaller and has wire shelves. I also have an assembly table(old desk) near the door. This table comes in handy when staining or putting things together but tends to get in the way more than it helps. My plan to replace this will be a folding table or saw horses. The other standard tools in my shop are the miter saw, table saw, router table and drill press. My goal for the reorganization is to utilize all the available space. I will post photos of the progress and let you know how it goes.